Turn on your porch lights, lock your front door, and join us
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
for socially-distanced BBQ dinner in the park from
5:30 pm – 7 pm at Jim Payne Park
as we discuss safety, meet neighbors, and hear from Manchaca Fire Department and the Travis County Sheriff’s Department.
Village of San Leanna council, staff, and resident volunteers will be serving up burgers, hot dogs, cookies, cupcakes, and beverages.
Come grab a Native Wildflower Seed Pack as well as National Night Out and Village of San Leanna swag (while supplies last).
Please bring chairs and blankets to allow for safe distancing between families.
Travis County is in Stage 4 with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage all to take appropriate safety measures by wearing a mask and/or maintaining a 6 foot distance between households.
Click here to read more about current COVID safety recommendations.
Visit sanleannatx.com/nno for updates and more information as it becomes available!